Hope Restored


When we pray to make a difference in the lives of the women we encounter sometimes we don’t realize what else that might mean. A few weeks ago we found out! Here is a story of an abortion clinic worker and her brush with redemption and hope at our clinic!

We had a volunteer application come in recently from a sweet lady who wanted to start volunteering as an ultrasound sonographer. When I called her to set up an appointment for an interview, she reluctantly shared with me that she had worked at an abortion clinic doing the ultrasounds for the women coming in for their abortions.

On the day that she came in for her interview, I remember praying that the Lord would allow my time with her to go according to what He would have this moment to be. I also prayed He would direct our conversation and that she would see Jesus in me!

The sweet applicant shared that not only had she taken the job at the abortion clinic because of needing to work and needing the money (which is a very common pull to gain workers in the abortion industry), and part of her ultrasound training in school was done at this clinic. As our conversation unfolded, she shared with me that she had also had an abortion herself and some of her “tucked away” emotional hurts and feelings were starting to surface.

I began to explain who Jesus is and the immense love He has for her and that His forgiveness would set her free of her hurts. In humility, she told me that sometimes she went to church and that family and friends kept encouraging her in her faith.

I asked her if she had accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and she told me that she had not. In that moment we locked eyes and I asked her if she wanted to turn her life over to the Lord and accept Him as her personal Lord and Savior. With meekness, she said yes. Bowing our heads, I took her hands and we prayed. A precious child of God now redeemed.

So what’s next for this young lady? She now knows the love, mercy and grace of HER loving Lord and she will be taking the post abortion recovery class that we host. She will also start training here at the PRCG to offer her gifts and talents in doing ultrasounds for the women we encounter. And I thought I was just going to do an interview the day I interviewed my new sister-in-Christ!



January 2025
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